Wiring ethernet between floors

Posted by Matt Chiste
July 27

Now that we’ve determined ethernet offers much better download speeds than wifi, how do we make it happen? There’s a great article on Instructables (via LifeHacker) covering some high-level topics, and I encourage you to check that out. I’ll try

Use wired ethernet instead of Wi-Fi when possible

Posted by Matt Chiste
1 Comment
July 24

LifeHacker, one of my personal favorite blogs, recently ran a poll on how many of their readers use a wired network in their house as opposed to wireless only. A surprising minority were exclusively wireless, with most people reporting at

Insteon-Controlled Thermostat

Posted by Matt Chiste
July 21

While I was installing my home command center, I also took the opportunity to replace my existing thermostat with an Insteon Thermostat (well, technically a slightly older-looking model). Wiring these guys up is pretty straight-forward: you simply pop the cover

Build a Home Command Center for your Smart Home

Posted by Matt Chiste
1 Comment
July 18

Remember those old tape deck-based intercom systems popular in the ’80s and ’90s that allowed you to play music and page different rooms of the house? When I bought my house in 2011 (built in ’89) they still had one

Gather useful energy consumption stats with the eMonitor

Posted by Matt Chiste
July 15

As you’re building your Insteon-enabled Automated Home, you may start developing an interest in other things related to a Smart Home, such as power consumption. When I got this energy monitoring bug, I did some research and found the eMonitor

Laser-etched KeypadLinc Buttons

Posted by Matt Chiste
July 12

When we covered the KeypadLinc, we talked about how you could get a 50-pack of buttons with different text or use a 4-Color LED Color Change Kit to get different colored buttons. But, to truly give your 8-button Insteon KeypadLinc

Programming an ISY-994i for Motion-Controlled Lights

Posted by Matt Chiste
July 9

As discussed in an earlier post on the Insteon Motion Sensor, the most basic of setups for having a motion sensor control a light switch is through the use of a scene. You would create a new scene that included

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