Blog Archives

3D print an umbrella mount for secure installations

As you saw in the last post on mounting a deck umbrella, the hole through the railing had to be a little larger than the actual umbrella pole due to some pins used to secure the umbrella to the base:

Posted by Matt Chiste
October 28

Mount a Deck Umbrella to Save Space

We have a small deck that needed a bit of sun coverage over the summer, and went shopping for an umbrella. We decided on this 10′ Patio Hanging Offset Umbrella with Solar LED Lights; it looked like it would get

Posted by Matt Chiste
October 24

Control your holiday decorations with an Outdoor ApplianceLinc

It’s almost that time of year where those gaudy inflatable lawn ornaments will start showing up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and Hanukkah – hey, I don’t judge, more power to you! In the past you’ve likely used a manual

Posted by Matt Chiste
October 22
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