Insteon Hidden Door Sensor

We’ve covered the Insteon TriggerLinc to detect when doors and windows are opened, but some people may find even the relatively small devices obtrusive on door and window frames.

A relatively new device in the Insteon arsenal is the Insteon Hidden Door Sensor. It’s a sweet little device that’s basically the size of a jumbo crayon, which you install by drilling a 3/4″ hole in a door frame (or, if the frame is metal, into the door itself):

The device operates on a single AA battery, and has a simple button on the end that gets pressed when the door is closed to trigger those open/close events.

To utilize this device via the ISY-994i, you’ll need to install the latest beta firmware from Universal Devices, as support for the hidden door sensor isn’t in the current official firmware.

Posted by Matt Chiste
January 31
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