Posted by Matt Chiste

Wall-Mounted Home Control Center

I kicked off my latest series of posts with a rather benign one about the genius of paper tabs on outlet covers, but am excited to start sharing the details of my latest round of home improvements. (Some who have

Posted by Matt Chiste

Use a free Amazon Prime trial to get free shipping this holiday season

Judging by the sound track at my local mall, the holiday season is upon us. This Thanksgiving I wanted to thank everyone for making this blog a success, and for all the interesting people I’ve met and ideas I’ve collaborated

Posted by Matt Chiste

Upgrade your ISY994i firmware to 4.2.18 for more secure connections

The Universal Devices ISY994i has long had the ability to use secure connections for access, and wasn’t even vulnerable to a major, recently discovered security hole. Nonetheless, the good folks at Universal Devices have continued to enhance the security posture

Posted by Matt Chiste

Turn off outdoor water spigots to prevent freezing

With the cold weather upon us now is the time to prepare your outdoor pipes to prevent freezing and bursting. If you have any hose-based systems (like the one I wrote about this summer), you’ll want to drain and/or disconnect

Posted by Matt Chiste

Insteon OutletLinc Dimmers are only for 2-prong lamps

We’ve talked about the Insteon OutletLinc before, including installing a new Insteon OutletLinc, using one to control stairway lighting, and using one for other indirect lighting. OutletLincs come in a variety of models with different features like SwitchLincs (dimming, dual-band,

Posted by Matt Chiste

Paper tabs on the back side of screws: genius!

I’ve done a ton of electrical and media work in the past couple months (at the cost of not spending as much time on Intellihome – sorry guys for the delay in those new features). I’ll be writing about these

Posted by Matt Chiste

3D print an umbrella mount for secure installations

As you saw in the last post on mounting a deck umbrella, the hole through the railing had to be a little larger than the actual umbrella pole due to some pins used to secure the umbrella to the base:

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